
What Does the Lord Require?: A Guide for Preaching and Teaching Biblical Ethics is unavailable, but you can change that!

Situational ethics, made popular in the 1960s, teaches that “all we need is love.” Loving is how we should be, but it does not tell us what to do. A biblical ethic can provide guidance and begins with the light of Scripture. But how applicable is the Bible’s moral standard to the complex issues we face today, such as stem cell research, euthanasia, racism, gambling, and environmental care? And...

in righteousness, so that the [person] of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17)—including such works as ethical and moral living that are pleasing to our Lord. But just how does a person use Scripture in making or evaluating ethical decisions? Scripture is the “norm” (a word coming from the Latin word norma, which originally meant “a carpenter’s square,” a tool that determined whether a corner or line was square and straight) we can use to show that an action or a decision
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